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We love to help out the community and each year donations of baskets, flowers, wreaths, and baked goods go to many non-profits and other organizations in the community.  To request a donation from the farm we require at least 60 days notice and do not accept requests for donations during our peak season bloom of May - July. If you would like to request a donation from our farm for your non-profit or organization send an email to the farm -  We receive a large number of donations during the year and would like to be able to  honor each request but, due to limitations of staffing and resources we may not be able to meet every request received; so early planning is best to insure you can be accommodated.  All donations are not permitted to be resold for profit and we require a letter from each requeting organization on letter head with a signature of acceptance for the donation and stating how the proceeds or items will be utilized and the organization benefiting.  For more info 410-459-8052